Format: CD
track 1-10: "The Evil
Side Of Relgion" demo
track 11-19: live 1989
1. Intro
2. After The Bloodshed
3. Eaten By Disease
4. March Of The Cadavers
5. Gutwrench
6. Raw Explosives
7. Sick Thrash
8. Mentally Ill
9. The Cemetery's Full
10. Funeral Of Gore
11. Immune To Burial (live)
12. Vomiting Blood / Eaten By Disease (live)
13. Sick Thrash (live)
14. Gutwrench (live)
15. Birth By Radiation (live)
16. The Cemetery's Full (live)
17. Futuristic Doom (live)
18. After The Bloodshed (live)
19. Deformed Tomorrows (live) |