Real Underground Metal Ferox - Issue #5
(english, 64 pages, A4, June 2009)
Hell yes, this is one of the craziest zines, I've ever seen. The main man behind, Fauzi, puts so much dedication to his zine and fills the complete issue with thousands of informations, that completely insane! His zine is packed with bands from the Death/Black/Thrash underground scene, which names I personally never heard before, haha. Ok, there are some "bigger" bands like SPEARHEAD, ABHORER or GRAVE DESECRATOR, but the rest (INFERIS, NECROLISIS, WITCHCURSE, SHACKLES, ...) is completely unknown to me... The complete layout is done in the old vein, for sure black/white, some nice cut'n'paste stuff, borders and shit like that! Ok, the English isn't the best (ok, my English sucks, too) and according to the CD-R sampler (12 tracks) there are some bands I completely dislike, but who cares, if there are some great bands to conquer and the feeling of the zine is great! Get in contact with this Malaysian freak at:
Mohammad Fauzi Bin Ali
Jheoa NS/Melaka
TKT 4 Wisma Persekutuan
70000 Seremban
N. Sembilan, Malaysia