Issue #12 (2009)
(A4, 28 pages, english)
And once again good ol' Mark got back with his 12th issue. And once again it's a little bit too thin, but it's obvious, that he is really into drawings and that's the cool point of the zine. The layout/design looks really really cool and compact! Every single review has its own design and that's really awesome! The interviews are more out of the death/grind scene as like BLOODFREAK, BIRDFLESH, MACHETAZO, BLUE HOLOCAUST or GRAVEHILL. If you like cool artworks and a great layout, get the zine and watch out for his comic book, which will also be realease some day this or next year!
Issue #11
(english, 24 pages, A4, 2008)
A nice, but quite thin zine is the Scottish fanzine called CEREBRAL FALLOUT zine. I don't know, if the earlier issues were also that thin, cause this is the first time I read this zine, but who cares, if the content is cool. Mark is covering all kind of Death and Grind with bands such as GRUESOME STUFF RELISH, ENGORGED, CARDIAC ARREST or MENTAL KILLING SPREE. Nice to read and with a cool design! Next time please some more pages and everything is fine with me!
Mark K, Watson Crescent 25/4. EH11 1 EZ, Edinburgh, Scotland/UK, alienvsaliens[at]yahoo.com, www.myspace.com/alienvsaliens